Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.

― Danny Kaye

Beginning 2021 with new hopes and ideas, everyone at Red Rope has a paint and a brush to paint the canvas to make 2021 more colorful for all the victims and put a light on human trafficking, grab your paint and brushes and paint along with us!

Red Ride have a series of webinars stacked up to educate everyone on Human Trafficking learning from the best in their own respective fields.

March Black out Trafficking, a fundraiser and an awareness campaign , the whole concept is to wear a black item for the entire month of March. The core idea behind it is to put ourselves in the shoes of the victims by at least 0.5% of their bondage by wearing the same thing which we are not really accustomed to.

The other core reason is we get to spread the word and educate the people on the cause behind it and even encourage people to participate or donate for the cause.

Red Rope encouraged the willing participants to wear a black item and upload in their social media by add hashtag such as #freeindiafromslavery #blackouttrafficking #marchblackouttrafficking,

In appreciation to the contribution of well wishers by their participation Red Rope prepared a certificate of appreciation.